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Rabu, 19 September 2012

Glide OS Web Based Operating System

Glide OS is a cross-platform web desktop developed by TransMedia Corporation. It is notable for operating on both desktop operating systems, like Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and mobile operating systems like Apple iOS, Google Android and Honeycomb, BlackBerry OS and BlackBerry Tablet OS (QNX), webOS, Symbian and Windows Mobile.Glide OS is compatible with a variety of web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome.

Glide OS Features: 
  • Uncompromised secure online file storage
    Store thousands of files and access them securely from anywhere in the world.
  • Cross-platform file compatibility
    Automatic file and application compatibility across devices and operating systems.
  • Productivity & Collaboration Apps
    Intuitive and easy to use applications that help you to get the job done.
  • Glide Sync App
    Automatically synchronize your home and work files with ease.
  • Mobile File Access
    Access your files on virtually any mobile phone with a browser.
Glide OS adalah salah satu layanan operating system berbasis web (salah satu bentuk cloud computing solution). Jadi dengan modal koneksi internet dan sebuah browser kita seakan-akan sudah bisa mengakses sebuah komputer yang telah dilengkapi dengan OS dan berbagai aplikasi pendukungnya seperti Word Processor, Presentation, Web Publishing, Photo Editor dan sebagainya. Untuk layanan gratisnya Glide OS menyediakan ruang peyimpanan (hardisk online) sebesar 30 GB, cukup lumayan.!

Berikut tampilan di browser ketika saya mengakses Glide OS:

Untuk mendaftar dan mencoba layanan Glide OS kita dapat mengunjugi situs Selain diakses via komputer kita juga bisa mengaksesnya lewat ponsel di atau klo Anda menggunakan iPad Anda bisa mengaksesnya di
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Menanti Penerus Apple iPhone 5

Apple baru saja meluncurkan iPhone 5 pada pekan lalu. Dan laris manis, pemesanan awal ponsel pintar itu sudah mencapai 2 juta unit. Mayoritas di antara pesanan itu akan diantarkan pada pekan ini. Namun menurut Apple, seiring tingginya permintaan, beberapa konsumen belum akan menerima iPhone 5 hingga Oktober 20121. Akan tetapi banyak pihak yang mempertanyakan mengapa iPhone terbaru tersebut tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur NFC, pengisian baterai nirkabel, dan keamanan biometrik memakai pemindaian sidik jari.
Apple iPhone 5
Apple iPhone 5
Meski kecewa karena tak sesuai keinginan, penggemar berharap, Apple segera mengeluarkan lini terbaru dengan fitur yang lengkap, kurang dari setahun sejak peluncuran iPhone 5.
Dalam sebuah laporan berjudul “Why the Apple iPhone 5’s Lack of Killer Features is Pure Genius”, dalam Money Morning berspekulasi bahwa alasan kenapa Apple tidak menambahkan fitur-fitur di atas, karena fitur baru tersebut akan muncul dalam perangkat iPhone mendatang di musim semi berikutnya.
“Bagaimana jika Apple telah memutuskan untuk memodifikasi siklus upgrade Apple untuk dua iPhone dalam setahun bukan hanya satu?,” saran tulisan tersebut.
Laporan tersebut juga mencatat Apple perlu benar-benar belajar dari penjualan produknya pada kuartal yang berakhir Juni. Saat itu, penjualan iPhone 4S meluncur drastis, karena konsumen lebih menunggu model terbaru. Tidak hanya iPhone 4S bersaing dengan rumor datangnya iPhone 5, tapi juga masuknya smartphone baru ke pasar.
Ini bukan hanya meningkatnya persaingan yang harus diwaspadai Apple. Nilai iPhone adalah sekitar setengah dari pendapatan Apple dan sekitar dua pertiga dari keuntungan Apple. Untuk itu, perusahaan ingin menghindari “perubahan dramatis dalam penjualan iPhone” karena berdampak signifikan terhadap pendapatan perusahaan.
“Tanpa terus berinovasi, yang membuat seseorang terbiasa dengan Apple, perusahaan berisiko kehilangan daya tarik konsumen,” kata Analis Ovum, Adam Leach.
Dengan meningkatnya persaingan dan pelanggan setia Apple, para pelanggan cenderung untuk menunggu selama berbulan-bulan guna memperbaharui iPhone mereka. Meskipun mereka bisa memilih perangkat Android atau ponsel Windows.
Laporan tersebut berkesimpulan bahwa jika ingin bersaing dengan pasar smartphone yang berkembang, Apple perlu rajin-rajin menyegarkan iPhone, tak harus menunggu setahun.
“Bahkan, fitur seperti Siri, apalagi layar yang lebih besar dan LTE, tidak cukup untuk membuat produk iPhone selama 12 bulan,” klaim laporan itu.
Laporan itu juga memprediksi bahwa musim gugur berikutnya, para penggemar Apple dapat mengharapkan untuk melihat teknologi sel baterai berbahan bakar hemat dan NFC ditambahkan ke Passbook.
Namun, laporan lain memiliki pendapat sebaliknya bahwa siklus rilis tahunan adalah hal yang baik untuk Apple. DigiTimes mencatat bahwa strategi Apple meluncurkan model smartphone baru setiap tahun memungkinkan perusahaan untuk dapat fokus pada desain keseluruhan smartphone dan rincian manufaktur.
Sekadar tamnbahan informasi, rekor pemesanan yang mencapai rekor sebelumnya ditorehkan oleh iPhone 4S. Ponsel ini mendapatkan pemesanan sebanyak 1 juta unit hanya dalam kurun waktu 24 jam. Sebagai perbandingan, pada model sebelumnya, yakni iPhone 4, tingkat pemesanannya hanya sebanyak 600.000 unit.
Sejumlah analis meramal, Apple mampu menjual iPhone 5 sebanyak 10 juta unit pada akhir bulan ini dan 50-60 juta unit pada akhir tahun mendatang.
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iPhone 5 review

iPhone 5 review
Thinner. Lighter. Faster. Simpler. The moment the iPhone 5 was unveiled we knew that it was checking off all the right boxes, folding in all the improvements and refinements people have been demanding over the past year -- yet plenty of folks still went to their respective social networks to type out their bitter disappointment. iPhone upgrade ennui seemed to be sweeping the nation, a sentiment that appeared to quickly dissipate when it came time for people to vote with their wallets.
The iPhone 5 is here -- or will be soon, anyway -- and it's every bit the device that people were asking for when the iPhone 4S came out. Its new design has less mass yet leaves room for a larger display and LTE wireless, all while increasing battery life. In nearly every respect, this is an upgrade over the 4S that came before, though it arrives almost a year later than many had hoped. Is it too late to keep pace with the rapidly iterating Android offerings, or is it so good it was worth waiting for? The answer lies below.

Clearly, the company is confident that it's knocked it out of the park again when it comes to the design of the latest iPhone, and we have to agree.

Apple introduced the iPhone 5 to the world by elevating it from a hidden pylon, rising from the floor and literally sitting on a pedestal for the world to admire while precisely focused lights made the thing gleam like a jewel. Clearly, the company is confident that it's knocked it out of the park again, and we have to agree. But, that new design isn't perfect -- not quite a grand slam, if you'll allow us to continue the metaphor.
The iPhone 5 is a clear evolution of the stark, industrial design introduced two years ago with the iPhone 4. That collection of square edges and raw materials was a huge contrast to everything else the company was producing and, frankly, everything else on the market. It was like an artifact from another dimension where ergonomics lost out to purity of vision, and Apple saw no reason to compromise that purity for the 4S nor, as it turns out, for the 5.
Visually, much has stayed the same, but the biggest change is impossible to see. Pick up the iPhone 5 and you're immediately struck by the reduction in weight. At 112 grams it's 20 percent lighter than the 4S, a figure that doesn't seem like it would make much of an impact. It does -- so much so that it's the lightness, not the bigger display or the thinness, that nearly everybody praises when first getting a chance to hold the iPhone 5 in their own hands.
Meanwhile, the changes in dimensions are surprisingly difficult to detect. That's largely thanks to the iPhone 5 being exactly as wide as the 4 and 4S that came before. This continuity of proportions on the x axis brings familiarity, while a slight increase on the y axis adds functionality. The iPhone 5 measures 4.87 x 2.31 x 0.3 inches (124 x 59 x 7.6mm), making it about a third of an inch (nearly 1cm) taller than before. Since all the extra room happens outside of your grip you hardly notice it, and this also shifts the phone's center of mass away from the center of your hand, which we think helps augment the perception of lightness.

Visually much has stayed the same, but the biggest change is impossible to see.

The new height makes room for that 4-inch, 1,136 x 640 display -- the most progressive change by a long shot. Steve Jobs famously said that the 3.5-inch screen size is the "sweet spot" and, frankly, it was about time Apple added a little more sugar. The new height results in a phone with more usable space and better presentation for HD content (the iPhone is finally 16:9). Yet, it's still easy to use with one hand. Each corner is comfortably reachable by thumbs of nearly all sizes.
That reachability is also helped by the decrease in thickness: 7.6mm, down from 9.3mm on the iPhone 4S. It isn't the world's thinnest smartphone that Apple claimed it was (the original Droid RAZR is thinner, among others), but this is still an impressively svelte device.
An all-new aluminum construction extends around the back, which is either anodized black or left raw depending on whether you opt for the darker or lighter of the two offerings. The white phone is bright and clean-looking; the black, dark and menacing. We'll let you draw conclusions about personality based on color preference, but we will say that the black surface seems to suck up fingerprints that are difficult to clean. Even so, we're glad the all-glass back has been retired, though traces of it remain: two slivers of the stuff punctuate the top and bottom of the back sides. These glossy bands break up the matte uniformity, but help boost antenna performance.
That said, the antennas still comprise the rim of the device, thinner now and the gap between them filled with a material whose color matches the body -- yet more evidence of the design team's attention to detail. These are the same sort of dynamically reconfiguring antennas used on the 4S and, as with that phone, we weren't able to death grip our way into any sort of signal issues.
The face of the device is still fashioned out of glass (no surprise there) and while Apple wouldn't confirm whether that front is indeed the sort of primate-proof silica produced by Corning, we'd hazard a guess that it is. With the metal back now sitting flush to the chamfered edge of the device, the slightly elevated glass surface gives the profile view of the phone a bit of unfortunate asymmetry -- it's now thicker on top than on the bottom.
But that elevated glass does mean your finger doesn't hit any rough edges or unfortunate surfaces when tracing the edges of the panel. The front-facing FaceTime HD camera now sits centered, directly above the earpiece. The Home button, meanwhile, has moved a fraction of a millimeter down and its resistance feels slightly different than that on the 4S, a touch more progressive with a more definitive detent. Hopefully the internal mechanism will prove more durable over time.
The position and design of the other buttons is likewise largely unchanged from the 4S, with the discrete, circular volume up and down buttons on the left just below the (slightly thinner) toggle switch. The headphone jack now moves to the bottom, a change that will cause some to modify their well-established pocket-retrieval mannerisms. But, as users of the iPod touch will tell you, having that jack on the bottom feels quite natural, and we agree. This is a good move.
The phone's speakers are also positioned on the bottom, playing out through a series of 26 holes that flank another major change in the iPhone 5: the Lightning connector.

Goodbye, venerable Dock connector. Hello, Lightning. For nearly 10 years the 30-pin Dock connector has been ubiquitous, sprouting out of accessories small and large, but ever since iPods started getting thinner we all knew its days were numbered. The giant, clunky connector is a painful legacy of an earlier time that needs to be removed from the ecosystem and, with the iPhone 5, Apple decided it was time to rip off the Band-Aid. Indeed the Dock connector must go and we won't miss it, but Lightning doesn't always feel like a confident step forward.
First, the good: the Lightning connector is infinitely easier to connect. It slots in nicely and does so regardless of orientation, plugging in right-side-up or upside-down. We were able to drive it home without looking the first time, and every time thereafter. (If only the same could be said for the USB connector on the other side.) It's also small, seems infinitely more durable than its flimsy-feeling elder and even stronger than micro-USB alternatives.

Superficially, it hits all the right marks, but Lightning comes up short in a number of important areas.

Superficially, it's hitting all the right marks, but Lightning comes up short in a number of important areas. It is, of course, incompatible with the roughly 350 million billion iPhone and iPod accessories currently on the market -- a problem mostly rectified by a $30 adapter. But, that's not a perfect solution, as even that won't support iPod Out, the specification used in some cars (most notably BMW and Mini) to enable in-dash control of an iPod or iPhone.
That's an admittedly low number of users left with no way forward, as the adapter will provide the power and analog audio that the vast majority of docks and accessories (and cars) in the world need, but it's still disappointing to see those automotive users, owners of some of the most expensive iPod docks on the planet, left out in the cold.
More problematic is the speed of this new connector. Lightning's name comes as a cheeky play on the Thunderbolt connector, yet Lightning is, at least for now, wholly independent from that standard. In fact, the implementation that comes with the iPhone 5 is based on USB 2.0, meaning that theoretical maximum data transfer rates are no faster than what came before. In practice, though, we were surprised to actually find a tangible difference between the two phones.
To test this we lined up an iPhone 4S next to an iPhone 5 and ran both through a number of syncs with large files. Pulling 5.5GB of data from iTunes to the iPhone 4S took five minutes and six seconds on average. Syncing those same files to the iPhone 5 took three minutes and 57 seconds on average. So, nearly 20 percent faster, but we're not sure how much of this is due to the new connector and how much can be attributed to faster internals in the phone itself.
We confirmed with Apple that the iPhone 5 itself only supports USB 2.0, so a faster interconnect on the other end wouldn't help anything (and it's unclear whether the internal storage could consume data more quickly if it were there), but there's nothing stopping the company from expanding the Lightning standard to work with Thunderbolt or USB 3.0 in the future. For now, at least, the new connector remains confusingly at odds with Apple's own next-generation and similarly named data interconnect. That's no problem if you're using one of the many and myriad wireless ways to pull content directly onto the device (hello, iCloud), but if you're still pushing your media over a cable from your main iTunes library, it's still going to take awhile.

The heart of the iPhone 5 is the new A6 processor, a chip that Apple wasn't too keen to describe other than it being "twice as fast" as the last-gen A5 and "22 percent smaller." Thankfully, we have ways -- namely, Geekbench, which identifies this as a dual-core 1.05GHz processor paired with 1GB of RAM.
Why not tell this up front? It's clear the folks in Cupertino are sick of people trying to draw conclusions based on core count and gigahertz goals, so they're just sitting this one out. Apple isn't alone, with Intel emphasizing names like Core i5 and Core i7 over raw clock speeds, and Qualcomm and NVIDIA using iterative designations like S4 and Tegra 3 for their respective processors. Still, none have gone so far as to stop publishing key specifications altogether.

We've long-since departed from a time when clock speed or core count could be directly correlated with performance.

Maybe they should. We've long since departed from a time when clock speed or core count could be directly correlated with performance across CPU architectures and, with Apple constructing its own, custom SoC for the A6, that's doubly true. Why, the dual-core A5 chip in the iPhone 4S shows as 800MHz, so looking purely at numbers this new phone should only be 25 percent faster, not twice as fast. We'll put that to the test a little later.
For storage you have a choice of 16, 32 or 64GB models priced (on contract) at $199, $299 and $399. Unsurprisingly, storage is not expandable, but hey, dig that iCloud.
Apple has also greatly improved the iPhone's wireless connectivity options, with the addition of LTE being the biggest talking point. Across the regional variants that will be sold around the world, 700MHz AWS bands for LTE for AT&T in the US are supported, plus Rogers, Bell and Telus in Canada and various carriers in Europe and Asia using bands 1, 3 and 5. Meanwhile, a CDMA version handles Verizon and Sprint LTE in the US plus KDDI in Japan using Bands 1, 3, 5, 13 and 25.
That's a lot of spectrum to cover -- and we haven't even broached the GSM/EDGE, UMTS/HSPA+, DC-HSDPA support in the GSM model, nor the CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B support in the other. What remains to be seen is just what will be open and what will be locked by the various carriers and whether international LTE compatibility truly means international LTE usability. That, in the short term, seems unlikely -- at the very least until the new nano-SIM standard becomes a little more available.
The choice of CDMA vs. GSM will likely come down to which carrier you're on, and which carrier you'd like to be on. In the US, it's naturally AT&T offering the GSM model, Sprint and Verizon with CDMA. Beyond the availability of bands, an important distinction is the ability to do simultaneous voice and data. None of the iPhone 5 models can handle Voice over LTE, so when doing voice calling the phone falls back to either GSM or CDMA, and CDMA doesn't support simultaneous voice and data. So, if you absolutely need to talk and surf at the same time, you're stuck on AT&T in the US.
On top of all that is an expanded selection of WiFi connectivity options. The iPhone 5 adds 802.11a support to complete the set of a/b/g/n compatibility. That connectivity is now dual-band as well, so you can step up out of the crowded 2.4GHz into the clear air at 5GHz. Bluetooth 4.0, GPS and GLONASS support all return. Looking to get directions up the Road of Bones? You're covered here.


The iPhone 4S already has one of the best displays on the market with regard to pixel density, brightness and contrast, and the iPhone 5 brings that up another notch.

The iPhone 5 uses a new 4-inch display that provides a half-inch of additional diagonal extent compared to those iPhones that have come before. Massive difference? Absolutely not, but it does give the phone enough surface area to stay competitive without sizing it beyond the thumb reach of your average consumer. In fact, its four corners seem just as attainable as before, helped by Apple shifting the display down just a few millimeters to get it closer to the center of your hand.
But we've talked enough about how it works in the hand. How does it look? Fantastic, frankly. The iPhone 4S already has one of the best displays on the market with regard to things like pixel density, brightness and contrast, and the iPhone 5 brings that up another notch -- and not just because it has an additional 176 rows of pixels. Putting both under the microscope, indeed, shows the same basic subpixel structure.
If there was one complaint about the 4S display it's that it suffered from a somewhat greenish hue. The 5 fixes that -- if anything, extending just a smidgen to the warm side, but displaying imagery that's much more chromatically neutral than before. The phone also moves up to full sRGB coverage, meaning it can accurately represent every color provided by that spectrum, a claim to fame few smartphones can match.
Apple also promises fewer layers sandwiched between the subpixels and the surface of the glass, the idea being greater contrast when you're outside. Sure enough, the iPhone 5 is a great device for using out in direct sunlight, though to be fair it's a minor improvement over the 4S, which likewise doesn't fear the sun.

The iSight camera here is basically unchanged from the 4S. The overall mechanism has been pared down a bit to fit within the tight confines of the iPhone 5, and the protective bit of glass on the outside has been replaced with a 6mm disc of crystal sapphire for durability, which we rather regrettably did not have a chance to put through a torture test.
So, that means we have an 8-megapixel, backside-illuminated sensor shooting through a five-element, f/2.4 lens. And, with the bigger screen, we now have a larger shutter release button, which is slightly easier to tap by big thumbs.
iPhone 5 review

Whether or not you actually want a higher-quality front-facing camera depends on just how much time you spend putting your face on before getting your FaceTime on.

Image quality is still among the best out there for a cameraphone, unimproved but quite impressive in varying conditions. What has improved, though, is the speed. Tap that big ol' thumb as quick as you can and the iPhone 5 will keep up, whereas the iPhone 4S eventually fell behind. It's at least on par with the Galaxy Nexus, which also has a ridiculously quick shooter.
So, while the camera on the back is minimally improved, the one on the front is a big step forward. Replacing the VGA FaceTime camera is a 1.2-megapixel FaceTime HD unit capable of capturing 720p video. Resolution is obviously massively increased, but so too is overall image quality, with far more accurate color reproduction. Of course, whether or not you actually want a higher-quality front-facing camera depends on just how much time you spend putting your face on before getting your FaceTime on.
New with iOS 6 is Panorama mode, where you can tap one button and just sweep the phone around to create a massive image. Resulting files are something like 11,000 x 2,500, with the exact resolution varying based on how smoothly you panned from left to right. If you wander up or down the display will warn you to keep in line, and you'll want to, as every time you stray you're effectively cropping the resulting image.
The file is captured in one seamless motion and the final product is almost always free of the sort of glitches and visual aberrations typically found in these self-stitching panoramas. That said, it isn't totally error-free. We took one panorama inside the New Museum in New York City, a room full of thin black lines against a white background. It's about as tough a test as Panorama mode will ever see and indeed you can make out some slight glitches in those lines, but in normal cityscapes and country scenes we struggled to find signs of artifacting. The results are almost always very impressive.
Video capture remains the same on the rear-facing camera -- 1080p30 maximum and offering bright contrast and colors plus the same digital image stabilization that we saw before, which results in reasonably smooth shots even when you, yourself, aren't so smooth.
Performance and battery life


Two times faster? Twice the graphics performance? Better battery life? Actually, yes. The iPhone 5 over-delivers on all those promises.

Two times faster? Twice the graphics performance? Better battery life? Actually, yes. The iPhone 5 over-delivers on all those promises. Running the Geekbench test suite on the iPhone 4S gave us an average score of 634. The iPhone 5 netted an average of 1,628. That's more than twice as fast and, while you won't necessarily see such huge increases in day-to-day usage, apps do load noticeably quicker, HDR images are processed in half the time and tasks like video rendering in iMovie are equally expedient.
SunSpider scores average at 924ms, which is more than twice as fast as the 2,200ms the iPhone 4S manages and still quite a bit quicker than the 1,400ms scored by the Galaxy S III and the 1,700ms managed by the HTC One X. More important than numbers, web pages load very quickly, snapping into view as fast as your data plan can shovel the bits into Safari and, once there, smoothly reacting to your gestures.
Naturally, we'd be telling just half the story if we only talked performance. There's an important question that's left: what kind of battery life can you expect? Power is nothing without longevity and, shockingly, the iPhone 5 copes amazingly well. In a day of heavy usage with LTE, GPS and WiFi all enabled, we managed 14 hours and 18 minutes before the phone succumbed to the elements.
On our standard battery rundown test, in which we loop a video with LTE and WiFi enabled and social accounts pinging at regular intervals, the iPhone 5 managed a hugely impressive 11 hours and 15 minutes. That's just 10 minutes shy of the Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx.
When it comes to wireless performance, the iPhone 5 didn't disappoint either. We tested a CDMA variant on Verizon's network, going between 3G and 4G connectivity as we traveled about this great nation. Overall, the iPhone 5 did an excellent job at finding and keeping signals, and call quality is quite good. Callers came through loud and clear and said we sounded great as well -- though most of the time we sadly couldn't tell them what we were calling them on. Data transmission speeds were at or above comparable Android LTE devices held nearby, usually in the 10-20 Mbps range both up and down.

The iPhone ships with Apple's latest mobile operating system, and for our full take on that we'll direct you toward our full iOS 6 review. But, let's discuss a few things that are particularly applicable to smartphones. It's the new Maps app that will have the biggest impact on most users, and in general we found Maps beautiful and fast, a smooth and very aesthetically pleasing way to get from place to place.
But, it isn't nearly as comprehensive as Google's offerings on Android. The biggest drawback is the unfortunate lack of public transportation directions. If you haven't quite mastered New York City's subway system, you won't get any help from your iPhone 5. Curiously, the app offers to give you public transportation directions, but should you choose that option it pops you straight into the App Store with a search for "Routing Apps." Right now, there are zero results.
It also lacks the detailed layering that you can apply in Google Maps and Google Navigation, showing you whatever you want to see. Maps will list some important POIs -- mostly gas stations and convenience shops -- but if you want to see all Mexican restaurants on your route you'll have to dig deeper. Finally, while Maps does show traffic, we never saw it give a warning about traffic along a route currently being navigated. That's important information for road trippers.
Passbook is similarly incomplete. This is Apple dipping its toes into the virtual wallet space, providing the ability for companies to write custom apps that will slot in here and provide access to things like movie tickets and value cards. But, as few major players have pledged to deploy their services here, this serves as a framework for something that will be cool rather than something that actually is right now. We're expecting good things.
The new Shared Photo Streams feature, however, is a welcome addition. Here you can select a few pictures from your roll, or indeed a new picture you just snapped, and share it with one or more friends -- or post it in the public for all to see. New photos added to the stream popped up within about 30 seconds and, while it isn't quite as seamless and fun as Google+ Events, it's a nice way to share photos with friends.
In general, iOS 6 has seen some nice nips and tucks where it needed it. iCloud integration is tighter, Safari is better and the overall experience is more polished. But, it isn't a major step forward in any regard. Suffice to say, conservative iPhone users won't have to worry about anyone moving their cheese, but if you didn't like iOS before, you still won't today.

The iPhone 5 is a significant improvement over the iPhone 4S in nearly every regard, and in those areas that didn't see an upgrade over its predecessor -- camera, storage capacity -- one could make a strong case that the iPhone 4S was already ahead of the curve. Every area, that is, except for the OS. If anything, it's the operating system here that's beginning to feel a bit dated and beginning to show its age.
Still, the iPhone 5 absolutely shines. Pick your benchmark and you'll find Apple's thin new weapon sitting at or near the top. Will it convince you to give up your Android or Windows Phone ways and join the iOS side? Maybe, maybe not. Will it wow you? Hold it in your hand -- you might be surprised. For the iOS faithful this is a no-brainer upgrade. This is without a doubt the best iPhone yet. This is a hallmark of design. This is the one you've been waiting for.
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Selasa, 18 September 2012

Dua Hacker Indonesia Masuk dalam 20 besar hacker Dunia

Sebelumnya saya memposting tulisan ini bukan semata-mata untuk menyombongkan ke 2 hacker atau peretas tersebut namun hanya sebagai pengagum dari hacker indonesia yang yang sudah berprestasi dalam bidang IT Security dan Hacking dengan tehnik mereka sendiri, saya juga  bukan Hacker dan juga tidak mengetahui tehnik hacking, so jangan bertanya ke pada saya :D , kita pastinya bangga dengan ke 2 hacker kita ini karna dengan masuknya mereka ke jajaran 20 besar peringkat dunia dan karna mereka ,hacker-hacker di indonesia tidak di pandang sebelah mata.

Sudah Lebih dari ribuan website yang mereka jebol dengan tehnik mereka masing-masing, ini memberikan bukti bahwa mereka tidak kalah dengan hacker luar, mungkin orang luar hebat dalam membuat tapi kita lebih hebat dalam menyusup :D , jelas saja hebat koneksi di indonesia kan kayak siput pikul tronton, padahal hacking perlu bandwith yang tidak sedikit, tapi ini bukan merusak, namun terlebih pada testing security dari website tersebut agar lebih mengoptimalkan celah yang ada di keamanan websitenya. intinya begini bagaimana kita tau besi itu keras apabila tidak ada yang mencoba mematahkannya, dan hacking ini ada kontesnya,

Penasaran Siapa ke 2 Hacker Tersebut sebentar, nanti saya di bilang Hoax, kita lihat dulu peringkat 20 besar Hacker dunia klik disini >> sebelumnya harus daftar dulu untuk melihat updatenya. liat daftarnya di bawah ini:
list hacker
nah siapa 2 hacker yang yang saya sebut-sebut masuk dalam 20 besar dia ada di Peringkat Ke3 dan Ke6. dengan Nick Hmei7 dan kaMtiEz
keterangan table diatas kurang lebih seperti ini Nomer – Nick – jumlah website yang telah di hack
Pertanyaan selanjutnya , Bagaimana Ke Dua Nick tersebut adalah orang indonesia Jawabannya, lihat saja dari hasil hacking mereka, dalam script deface mereka mencantumkan nama indonesia.

nah lengkap kan. untuk pendapat dari saya sebaiknya untuk baiknya buat para defacer indo yg deface web indo tolong jangan di rusak file dan database nya . kalo mau deface index baiknya titip file index aja, atau backup index nya . kalo tidak, cukup  titip file dan gambar deface aja. Bravo Indonesia.

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Senin, 17 September 2012

Google Drive vs SkyDrive

Apa sih bedanya Microsoft SkyDrive VS Google Drive?
Microsoft SkyDribe hampir sama dengan Google Drive, yang memudahkan user untuk menyimpan file di awan (cloud computing) di dalam server Microsoft, sehingga user dapat mengaksesnya darimana dan device apa saja. Ketika masuk ke akun Microsoft, akan mendapat kapasitas penyimpanan sebesar 7GB, sementara di Google Drive hanya 5GB. Interface aplikasi Microsoft SkyDrive ini menggunakan style Windows 8. User dapat membuat folder, upload file apa saja dan menghapus item. Aplikasi ini memudahkan user untk share file attachment atau share link download file. Namun, tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengganti nama file atau memindahkan antar folder di SkyDrive. Hal ini memang merepotkan, namun user isa mengedit dokumen Word, Excel, PowerPoint menggunakan aplikasi pihak ketiga yakni QuickOffice atau Kingsoft Office. Setelah editing selesai, user harus upload kembali file tersebut untuk sinkronisasi perubahan. Hal ini juga merupakan suatu ketidaknyamanan, mengingat fleksibilitas kemampuan itu semua ada di Google Drive.
Google Drive memiliki interface yang simple, terutama bila dibuka di tablet, mudah untuk menyimpan dan upload file apa saja, share file attachment atau via link download, hampir sama dengan SkyDrive. Namun, aplikasi ini memudahkan user untuk membuat folder, mengganti file, dan bahkan memindahkan item antar  folder. Kelebihan Google Drive, dapat mengedit dokumen text langsung di interface, dan seluruh  sinkronisasi perubahan  secara otomatis. User bahkan dapat berkolaborasi dengan pengguna Google Drive lainnya untuk membentuk tim dalam pengerjaan dokumen. Namun, untuk presentasi, user hanya dapat melihat, tidak mengedit, dan editor Excel juga banyak memiliki batasan.
Kesimpulannya, Microsoft SkyDrive masih memerlukan aplikasi lain untuk pengaturan file dan editing dokumen. Namun, keduanya cukup bagus untuk fungsi dasar, seperti menyimpan dan share file.
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Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Samsung Rencanakan Bangun Pabrik di Indonesia

Pasar elektronik tanah air nampaknya sangat penting bagi para produsen elektronik dunia. Setelah Foxconn yang dikabarkan akan membangun pabrik produksinya di Indonesia, kini giliran Samsung yang tak mau kalah.

Pimpinan Samsung Indonesia, Lee Kanh Hyung kepada Dow Jones mengatakan bahwa perusahaannya tertarik untuk memiliki pabrik handphone di Indonesia. Dia pun mengatakan bahwa perusahaannya telah melakukan pertemuan dengan pemerintah terkait rencana tersebut.
Mentri Perindustrian, MS Hidayat mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah menerima rencana pembangunan pabrik dari Samsung tersebut. Dia pun mengatakan bahwa pembangunan tersebut akan memberikan keuntungan bagi kedua pihak. Dia pun kini tengah menjanjaki lebih detail mengenai rencana tersebut.
Sebelumnya, Samsung memang tengah gencar dalam meningkatkan tingkat produksi handphone sekaligus distribusi. Bulan kemarin, Samsung baru saja mengeluarkan uang sebesar $4 miliar USD untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi pabrik di Austin, Texas. Dan, minggu kemarin, mereka pun dikabarkan telah mengeluarkan uang sebesar $7 miliar USD untuk membuat fasilitas produksi flash memory di Cina.
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Kamis, 13 September 2012

iPhone 5 | Harga dan Spesifikasi | Kabar Terbaru

Harga iPhone 5 dan Spesifikasi iPhone 5 - iPhone 5 "N42" gadget terbaru dari Apple yang ditunggu-tunggu kehadirannya banyak menimbulkan rumor maupun spesifikasi dari media-media online. Walau dari pihak Apple sendiri belum mengabarkan berita pasti mengenai iPhone 5 maupun iPad Mini.

iPhone 5
Perkiraan Bentuk iPhone 5

Berikut ini beberapa info mengenai iPhone 5 yang beredar di dunia maya. Semua info ini belum tentu kebenaranya jadi sobat mesti bersabar menunggu kabar resmi dari pihak APPLE.

Spesifikasi iPhone 5 Terbaru

Berikut ini salah beberapa info yang banyak beredar mengenai bagaimana nanti fitur maupun "Spesifikasi iPhone 5".

  • iPhone 5 Sistem Operasi iOS 6

Banyak orang yang memprediksi telepon seluler (ponsel) pintar ini akan memiliki sistem operasi iOS 6 yang baru dirilis beberapa waktu lalu. Dengan sistem ini, bakal hadir Apple Map, yang bakal menggantikan Google Map.

  • iPhone 5 Support NFC

Kabar mengenai Apple mendukung fitur NFC masih simpang siur, ada yang mengatakan spesifikasi iPhone 5 bisa NFC ada juga yang tidak, karena sisi internal iPhone 5 tidak cocok dengan spesifikasi iPhone 5.

Dan, jika Apple dilengkapi dengan NFC, itu bisa membuat iPhone sebagai pengganti dompet, yang memungkinkan ponsel pintar itu digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran aman untuk pesanan kecil.

Namun, blogger Sonny Dickson, yang memeriksa gambar bocoran bagian dalam iPhone 5 mengatakan, sisi internal tak cocok dengan rumor yang beredar. 
Meski dalam gambar terlihat persegi misterius yang cocok untuk menopang chip NFC, Dickson mengatakan, itu lebih mungkin untuk ditempati kamera FaceTime, sensor jarak, atau speaker

  • Spesifikasi : iPhone 5 Dilengkapi Pemindai Sidik Jari

Ada kabar mengatakan iPhone 5 akan memiliki fitur pemindai sidik jari.

Kabar terbaru menyebut, Apple sedang dalam tahap akhir pembelian dengan sebuah perusahaan keamanan sidik jari. itu bisa berarti produk iPhone termutakhir itu punya pengaman ekstra: pemindai sidik jari yang menghalangi seseorang membaca pesan dan informasi dalam iPhone 5 tanpa izin. 

Menurut dokumen merger, AuthentTec telah menciptakan sensor sidik jari 2D untuk Apple. Bisa jadi begini sistem kerjanya: sidik jari akan dipindai melalui alat pemindai yang dipasang di balik layar. Cap jempol mutlak disyaratkan ketika membuka kunci telepon. Atau bisa juga ia dipasang di balik perangkat. 

  • Layanan Passbook di iPhone 5

Apple juga mengungkap layanan baru yang disebut PassBook, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyimpan kupon diskon toko, kartu loyalitas dan barang-barang lainnya. Bahkan, ada layanan penyimpan 
boarding pass bandara, dengan iOS6, generasi keenam dari perangkat lunak iPhone, yang akan dirilis musim gugur ini.

Sejumlah maskapai di Amerika Serikat, seperti United Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, dan Virgin Australia telah memberi lampu hijau, memungkinkan pengguna Apple menyimpan dokumen perjalanan mereka di ponsel mereka. Itu artinya, sedikit sapuan akan membawa Anda ke gerbang boarding sekejap mata.

  • Spesifikasi iPhone 5 : Mendukung jaringan LTE / 4G Korea

Kabar Terbaru iPhone 5
Gambar iPhone 5

Ada banyak sekali kabar yang beredar mengenai iPhone 5 dari Apple ini. Sebenarnya pihak Apple sendiri belum ada info resmii mengenai ada atau tidaknya iPhone 5, apalagi mengenai harga iPhone 5 dan spesifikasi iPhone 5 sama sekali tidak ada kabar yang bisa diyakini seratus persen kebenarannya.

Nah selain spekalusi mengenai Harga, Spesifikasi, dan kapan Gadget terbaru iPhone 5 ini dikeluarkan ada juga banyak kabar terkinii mengenai iPhone 5, diantaranya banyaknya gugatan dari vendor-vendor lain yang menggugat apple.

Ada-ada saja ya, belum juga resmi dikeluarkan pihak iPhone lima sudah mendapat halangan.

Samsung Gugat Apple atas Iphone 5

Samsung Electronics akan menggugat Apple atas pelanggaran paten konektivitas "long-term evolution" atau 4G di iPhone 5.

"Ini benar, Samsung Electronics telah memutuskan untuk segera mengambil tindakan hukum terhadap Apple. Negara-negara di Eropa dan bahkan AS adalah target utama kami," sebut sumber anonim seperti dilansir The Korea Times.

Selain Samsung, HTC kabarnya juga akan menggugat APPLE.

Kapan iPhone 5 Dijual ?

Kabar mengatakan Pre Order iPhone 5 bisa dimulai per 12 September 2012, atau ketika artikel ini ditulis.

Apple secara resmi mengumumkan bahwa iPhone 5 akan dirilis pada 12 September mendatang. Adapun peluncuran iPhone generasi terbaru akan digelar di Pusat Kesenian Yerba Buena, San Francisco, Amerika Serikat.

Berbagai spekulasi mengenai fitur canggih di iPhone 5 ini pun muncul. Para pengamat berharap gadget atau peranti bergerak ini memiliki layar lebih dari empat inci, lubang koneksi baru, sistem Near Field Communication (NFC), dan koneksi 4G.

Kita lihat saja nanti apa benar iPhone 5 sudah mulai dijual hari ini.

Harga iPhone 5 Terbaru

Berapa harga iPhone 5 ? 
Belum ada info pasti, tapi beberapa media online memberikan bocoran perkiraan harga iPhone 5 yang katanya setara iPhone 4S.

Dilansir dari 9to5Mac, Senin (10/9/2012), iPhone generasi terbaru yang memiliki kode nama "N42" akan dijual dengan harga yang sama dnegan iPhone 4S. Karena itu, diduga iPhone5 akan tetap memiliki kapasitas yang sama yakni 16 GB, 32 GB, dan 64 GB.

Sumber rantai ritel Amerika Serikat (AS) pun mengungkapkan kode metrik  iPhone tersebut, yakni N42A-USA -$199, N42B-USA-$199, N42A-USA-$299, N42B-USA-$299, N42A-USA-$399, N42B-USA-$399. Kode A dan B tersebut menadai warnanya yaitu hitam dan putih.

Berikut ini kisaran harganya dibandingkan harga iPhone sebelumnya (iPhone 4s)
Telkomsel menawarkan iPhone 4S dengan memori yang paling kecil 16GB  dengan harga Rp7,7 juta. Sedangkan XL membanderol dengan harga agak lebih mahal, yaitu Rp7,99 juta.

Lalu untuk memori 32GB, XL menawarkan Rp9.199.000, Telkomsel jauh lebih murah, yakni Rp8.800.000. Sedangkan khusus untuk iPhone 4S dengan memori tertinggi atau 64GB, Telkomsel menjual dengan harga Rp9,9 juta dan XL membanderol seharga Rp10,399 juta.

Jadi kemungkinan harga iPhone 5 Terbaru berkisar antara 7 - 10 Jutaan rupiah.

Kekurangan dan Kelebihan iPhone 5

Karena iPhone 5 saja belum keluar jadi untuk kelebihan maupun kekurangannya belum diketahui sama sekali. Untuk admin sendiri kekurangan iPhone 5 yang tak terhindarkan buat kantongku ialah harganya yang MAHAL ^_^. 

Kelebihan iPhone 5 tentu fitur-fitur baru dari iOs yang bakal melekat di iphone 5

Untuk sedikit mengobati penasaran berikut ini kumpulan Gambar / Foto perkiraan iPhone 5

iPhone 5

iPhone 5 Putih Tipis
iPhone 5 Putih Tipis

Desain Casing iPhone 5
Desain Casing iPhone 5

Perkiraan Desain Bentuk iPhone 5

Design iPhone 5 ini diperkirakan akan mempunyai bentuk lengkung pada sudutnya. Terdapat permukaan kaca pada bagian belakang iPhone, atau bisa jadi akan diganti kembali ke bahan aluminium atau mungkin menggunakan bahan dasar dari plastik.

Spesifikasi untuk casing iphone 5 juga sedikit sulit digunakan dalam menebak ukuran layar yang pasti. Namun terdapat kemungkinan bahwa layarnya akan dibuat sedikit lebih luas dan disediakan sebuah tempat ekstra luas di luar layar, fungsinya adalah untuk pergerakan jari pengguna nantinya.

Untuk kesimpulan akhir dari hasil rekaan iphone 5 ini adalah 4.33″ x 2.36″. Memiliki ketebalannya sebesar .27″ pada bagian atasnya dan .21″ pada bagian bawah. Tentunya ini sedikit lebih pendek dari pendahulunya yakni iPhone 4, Namun lebih lebar dan tipis, serta agak sedikit meruncing dari atas ke bawah.(api)

Semoga info mengenai iPhone 5 bermanfaat buat sobat semua. Kita lihat sama-sama apa rumor yang banyak beredar sekarang nanti terbukti setelah iPhone 5 benar-benar di launching. Namun ada juga iPhone 5 China tiruan yang di desain mirip iPhone Apple 5 yang dijual dengan harga lebih murah.
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Kapan iPhone 5 Masuk ke Indonesia?

Resmi sudah iPhone 5 diperkenalkan oleh Apple. Pertanyaannya kemudian, kapan smartphone yang diklaim tertipis dan teringan di dunia ini akan masuk Indonesia lewat jalur resmi?

Di luar Amerika Serikat, ada delapan negara lain yang terdaftar sebagai penerima pertama iPhone 5, yaitu Australia, Kanada, Perancis, Jerman, Hongkong, Jepang, Singapura, dan Inggris.

iPhone 5 akan meluncur tanggal 21 September mendatang di negara-negara ini, dengan pre-order mulai tanggal 14 September.

Negara tetangga kita, Singapura, menjadi salah satu negara pertama di Asia yang akan menjual iPhone 5 saat diluncurkan secara global pada 21 September mendatang.
Dikutip dari rilis media Apple, sebanyak 22 negara lainnya akan menyusul menerima iPhone 5 pada 28 September, tetapi tak ada nama Indonesia terlihat dalam daftar penerima iPhone 5 tersebut.

Dilihat dari pengalaman iPhone dan iPad terdahulu, kemungkinan para peminat iPhone 5 di Tanah Air harus menunggu selama beberapa lama sebelum bisa membeli smartphone tercanggih Apple itu.

iPhone 4 butuh waktu sekitar 5 bulan sejak diluncurkan bulan Juni 2010 untuk masuk ke Indonesia. Penerusnya, iPhone 4S, butuh waktu sedikit lebih cepat, yaitu 3 bulan sejak diluncurkan pada Oktober 2011.

Apple sendiri meyakinkan bahwa iPhone 5 akan menjadi "perangkat yang paling cepat diluncurkan". Selain waktu-waktu yang sudah disebut di atas, pada 20 Oktober, iPhone 5 akan diluncurkan di 20 negara tambahan.

Pada akhir tahun, menurut Apple, iPhone 5 seharusnya telah tersedia di 100 negara melalui 240 operator seluler. Bisa jadi, sebelum waktu ini, iPhone 5 sudah masuk Indonesia.

Tak sabar menunggu? Singapura dan Hongkong termasuk dalam daftar penerima pertama iPhone 5 tanggal 21 September. Letaknya pun relatif "dekat" dari Indonesia.

Di Singapura, Apple membanderol iPhone 5 mulai dari 948 dollar Singapura atau sekitar Rp 7,4 juta. Harga ini kemungkinan untuk iPhone 5 dengan kapasitas terendah, 16 GB. Belum ada informasi detail untuk model lainnya.

Biasanya, harga iPhone resmi di Indonesia tidak akan berbeda jauh dengan harga yang dipatok di Singapura, kemungkinan ada perbedaan sekitar Rp 1 juta. Jadi, kemungkinan di Indonesia iPhone 5 akan dibanderol mulai dari Rp 8 juta.
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Ini Dia Harga Resmi iPhone 5

iPhone 5
 iPhone 5 akhirnya resmi diperkenalkan oleh Apple dalam jumpa pers yang diadakan di San Francisco, AS, Rabu (12/9/2012) atau Kamis dini hari waktu Indonesia.

Setelah memperkenalkan berbagai fitur baru yang dimiliki iPhone 5 secara detail, Apple pun tidak lupa membeberkan harga dari perangkat ini.

Di AS, iPhone 5 akan dijual dengan kontrak operator selama dua tahun. Di AS, iPhone 5 16GB dibanderol dengan harga 199 dollar AS, 32GB dihargai 299 dollar AS, dan 399 dollar AS untuk 64GB.
Harga iPhone 5 tanpa kontrak operator di AS belum diumumkan Apple.
Singapura menjadi salah satu negara pertama di Asia yang akan menjual iPhone 5 saat diluncurkan secara global pada 21 September mendatang.
Seperti biasa, ada tiga varian iPhone yang terbagi atas kapasitas media penyimpanan, yaitu 16GB, 32GB, dan 64GB.

Apple pun sudah mematok harga iPhone generasi keenam tersebut di Singapura. Berbeda dari AS, di Singapura, Apple menjual iPhone 5 versi unlocked alias tanpa terikat kontrak operator.

Apple membanderol perangkat ini mulai dari 948 dollar Singapura atau sekitar Rp 7,4 juta. Harga ini kemungkinan untuk iPhone 5 dengan kapasitas terendah, 16 GB. Belum ada informasi detail untuk model lainnya.

Biasanya, harga iPhone resmi di Indonesia tidak akan berbeda jauh dengan harga yang dipatok di Singapura, kemungkinan ada perbedaan sekitar Rp 1 juta. Jadi, kemungkinan di Indonesia iPhone 5 akan dibanderol mulai dari Rp 8 juta. Belum ada informasi kapan iPhone 5 masuk ke Indonesia.

iPhone 5 untuk AS dan Singapura baru akan dibuka pada 14 September mendatang.

Seperti biasa, apabila iPhone generasi terbaru telah diumumkan, Apple akan menurunkan harga iPhone generasi sebelumnya.
Apple langsung memangkas harga iPhone 4S 16GB menjadi 99 dollar AS dengan dua tahun kontrak dengan operator.

Sedangkan iPhone 4 8GB tersedia secara gratis. Pengguna di AS cukup membayar biaya kontrak kepada operator. Tersedia juga iPhone 4 8GB versi unlocked yang dihargai 450 dollar AS.

Apple akhirnya mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada iPhone 3GS. Mereka berencana untuk tidak memproduksinya lagi.
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Apple Resmi Perkenalkan iPhone 5

Apple resmi memperkenalkan iPhone 5, demikian nama resmi smartphonegenerasi keenam besutan Apple. iPhone 5 mengalami perubahan desain yang signifikan dibandingkan iPhone 4s.

Dalam jumpa pers di San Francisco, AS, Rabu (12/9/2012), Philip Schiller selaku Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Apple diberi mandat untuk mengumumkan kehadiransmartphone terbaru Apple ini.

iPhone 5 hadir dengan ketebalan hanya 7,6 mm dan bobot 112 gram. Tubuhnya diselimuti oleh materi kaca dan aluminium. 

Yang cukup menghebohkan, Apple mengubah ukuran layar pada iPhone 5 menjadi 4 inci dengan aspek rasio 16:9 sehingga fisiknya terlihat memanjang.

Selama 5 tahun, jajaran produk iPhone generasi pertama hingga iPhone 4s selalu dibekali layar seluas 3,5 inci dengan aspek rasio 4:3.

iPhone 5 mempunyai resolusi layar 1136 x 640 pixel dengan kerapatan pixel 326 pixel per inci (ppi). Saturasi warnanya terlihat lebih baik karena menggunakan sistem rendering sRGB penuh.

Schiller mengatakan, semua aplikasi bawaan di iPhone 5 telah diperbarui guna mendukung resolusi dan ukuran layar baru ini. Baris aplikasi di layar iPhone 5 terdiri dari 5 baris.

Untuk dapur pacu, iPhone 5 dibekali prosesor system on chip (SoC) A6. Apple mengklaim prosesor A6 memberi performa grafis dan kecepatan lebih cepat dua kali lipat dibanding prosesor A5 pada iPhone 4S. Apple telah membekali iPhone 5 dengan sistem operasi mobile iOS terkini, yakni versi 6.

Kamera belakang iPhone 5 dibekali sensor 8 MP dan bukaan lensa f/2,4. Peningkatan terbesar dari sisi kamera adalah kemampuan menangkap gambar yang lebih cepat. Kamera belakangnya mampu merekam video beresolusi 1080p, sedangkan kamera depannya 720p.

iPhone 5 mendukung konektivitas jaringan seluler nirkabel tercepat saat ini, Long Term Evolution (LTE), dengan sebuah cip tunggal, radio tunggal, dan antena "dinamis."

Dock konektor pada iPhone 5 juga dibuat lebih kecil jika dibandingkan iPhone 4S, iPod Touch, dan iPad generasi ketiga. Dari ukuran 30 pin, diubah menjadi 8 pin. Meski demikian, Apple menyediakan adaptor penghubung dari dock konektor 8 pin ke 30 pin agar aksesori lama masih bisa digunakan.

iPhone 5 tersedia dalam warna hitam dan putih.
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Selasa, 11 September 2012

Tabeo, Tablet Khusus untuk Si Cilik

Tabeo (Cnet)
Di tengah gempuran kemunculan perangkat mobile yang kian bervariasi, tampil kompetitor baru. Sebuah tablet khusus pengguna cilik bernama Tabeo siap bersaing.

Adalah toko mainan dan produk remaja asal Amerika Serikat (AS) Toys R Us yang mendistribusikan tablet ini, berharap bisa membuat para orangtua berpaling dari iPad atau Kindle Fire agar lebih memilih Tabeo sebagai hadiah bagi putra-putri mereka. 

Dilansir Washington Post dan dikutip detikINET, Selasa (11/9/2012), tablet berukuran 7 inch ini dibanderol seharga USD 150. Di dalamnya terdapat sejumlah fitur yang akan disukai para orangtua, yakni parental control untuk mengawasi penggunaan tablet si anak. 

Berbasis Android, boleh dibilang tablet ini masuk dalam kategori entry-level dengan spesifikasi lumayan. Dipersenjatai prosesor 1GHz, layar multitouch danbuilt-in storage 4GB. 

Tersedia juga konektivita WiFi, kemampuan menampilkan web berbasis Flash, kamera depan, serta port HDMI sehingga anak-anak bisa mengkoneksikan tablet ke TV. 

Dalam paket pembelian Tabeo, sudah tersedia 50 pre-loaded game, buku digital, dan aplikasi edukasi. Selain itu, akses ke toko aplikasi Tabeo Store, menyediakan lebih dari 6.000 aplikasi. 

Tabeo akan mulai dijual Toys R Us pada 21 Oktober, namun para orangtua yang berminat bisa mulai melakukan pemesanan dari sekarang.
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